Ediciones Emilianenses
Jokes, Sayings, and Maxims in the Language of la Rioja

Product Details

By Javier Pérez Escohotado
Ilustrations: Saturio Alonso
Valle Camacho Matute

Typography: Pradell, by Andreu Balius

88 pages, 28 x 22 cm.

Second Edition: 2008. Logroño.
ISBN: 978-84-612-3502-5

PVP: 20 euros.

Also available at Aurea bookstore, in Madrid, the only bookstore specializing in classical Latin and Greek philology, archeology, ancient history,and Hispanic philology.


The author carries out a philological and paremiological analysis of several expressions from La Rioja, and carrying it even further, he develops juicy prose, seeking the complicity of the reader..

JAVIER PÉREZ ESCOHOTADO, professor of Language and Literature, has taught classes and courses at various universities and he regularly collaborates with the press. Moreover, he is the author of the books of poetry, Laura llueve (2000) and Papel japón (2002). He has published, among other works, the following: Antonio de Medrano, alumbrado epicúreo. Proceso
inquisitorial. Toledo 1530
(2003), Sexo e Inquisición en España (1992 and 1998), an
excellent, rigorous, and entertaining essay, Chascarrillos, dichos y decires..., Ediciones Emilianenses, (2008, 2.ª ed.), and Donjuanes, bígamos y libertinos. El filo de la Historia, in the volume Rebeldes from Los Olvidados de la Historia
(2004 y 2005.) His latest book, Crítica de la razón gastronómica (2007), takes an
in-depth look at the history of food, as well as the phenomenon of Ferran Adrià and the gastronomical works
of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.
He has collaborated in the anthology of Spanish poetry, Poemas memorables: antología consultada y comentada 1939-1999 (1999.)
Likwise, he has edited and written the prologue for Vida trágica de D. Santiago González Mateo, Job del siglo XVIII y XIX (2001 y 2009) and Jaime Gil de Biedma. Conversaciones (2002.)

Ilustration by Saturio Alonso
" In the fields of Logrono always loose the devil"

SATURIO ALONSO, born in Spain (1954) and currently living in Ireland, is a sculptor with a background as a painter and graphic designer. He was a member of the group El Cubri in Spain until his move to Ireland in 1980. He is a founding member of Artcore, a mentor in KCAT, Callan Co. Kilkenny and his work can be found in various public spaces around Ireland and in private and public collections in Europe and America. As a graphic artist his work includes:
Tal como eramos. El Cubri. Ediciones de Ponent. 2008. Chascarrillos, Dichos y Decires… Ediciones Emilianenses, 2008, 2.ª ed. Image for Kilkenny Arts Festival, 2007. Francografias, El Cubri. Edicions de Ponent, 2006. Image for Kilkenny Arts Festival, 2006. De Milagros y Fronteras, Gobierno de la Rioja, 1999. El que parte y reparte se queda con la major parte, El Cubri. Editorial Fundamentos, 1974.

Educational details
Recommended age:
+ 14 years

You will enjoy this book if you like:
Discovering the life of popular sayings
Sayings and expressions from La Rioja
Learning about the origins of expressions and their relationship with culture
Areas of knowledge::

Language and Literature
Social Science, Geography, and History
Visual and Plastic Arts Education




Ediciones Emilianenses

A new way of approaching the Humanities

Ediciones Emilianenses

Tfno 941 256 084 - 678 805 137
Parque del Carmen 3, 9º B
26003 Logroño - La Rioja
- Spain -